Senin, 21 Maret 2011

Kunyah Permen Karet Picu Keriput

Kebiasaan mengunyah permen karet potensial memicu keriput di area mulut.
- Apakah Anda memiliki kebiasaan mengunyah permen karet? Sebaiknya Anda membatasi kebiasaan ini. Terlalu sering mengunyah permen karet memberikan dampak buruk untuk kesehatan kulit wajah.

Dr Joel, dokter spesialis kulit dan bedah kosmetik dari Omaha, memperingatkan bahwa kebiasaan mengunyah permen karet potensial memicu tumbuhnya keriput dini di sekitar mulut.

"Banyak pasien saya yang gemar mengunyah permen karet. Saya pikir permen karet menjadi salah satu pemicu utama keriput pada kulit,” katanya, seperti dikutip dari laman New York Daily News.

Dr Hema Sundaram, ahli bedah kosmetik dari Washington, menjelaskan bahwa aktivitas mengunyah permen karet membuat seseorang terlalu banyak menggunakan otot-otot rahang mereka.

"Saya percaya mengunyah permen karet mengaktifkan otot di sekitar mulut dan berpotensi memecah kekenyalan jaringan kulit. Ini berkontribusi terhadap hilangnya volume dan mungkin kehilangan elastisitas kulit," katanya

Selasa, 15 Maret 2011


I dont wanna talk about it
It makes me wanna cry
Every time I pour out my emotions
I feel emptier inside
I don't know how to play it like
I'm not in love with you,
But I'll try
Even though I do...still

Miss you
Just like the air that I breathe
I need you
With me
I'm not gonna lie
I cant imagine my life
With out you but I
Suppose I will survive...

I'm not gonna play myself
Every time my cell rings
Checkin for your name
I promise that I'll never tell
You how I feel
And I know that you dont feel the same
Did you think that you could hurt me so
I just gotta let you go
Everytime I find myself alone
ooooh I...

Dont try to explain
Why your love's changed
Boy you really broke my heart this time
I wont let it take away my pride
or Who I have inside
Boy I'm torn between every thing
how could I feel nothing
I woulda done anything
If it would mean
I could make you love me
You're the one I need
But you still believe
We can never be...

And I miss you
More than the air that I breathe
I need you
With me
I'm not gonna lie
And I can't imagine myself
With out you but I
suppose I will survive

I'll be fine, dont worry about me
I'll be okay.....